Lady Valkyrie Myst and The Belly Dance
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Belly Dance and the Connection to Life

As a belly dancer  I wanted a place to display the photos that, to me, tell stories about  the journey I am on through the dance. I also thought as dancers we could come together to share ideas with each other in a shared effort to improve our skills and deepen our love of the dance. I feel there are two ways to approach life: one as a competition in which those with the most end up with relatives haggling over the division of  their stuff, but the other is as a community in which all can live, learn, grow, care, and support each other which leaves a legacy for  all those that come after to share.

Vist the New Official Website:


The Joy of Belly Dance

* Increased Flexibility * Tones and Shapes Muscle

* Relieves Stress* Low Impact

Join Us for the Experience!

Wednesday Evenings at 7pm

at the New Multipurpose Bldg. on the Seashore Learning Center Campus. SPID and Encantada, across from the Bob Hall Pier.   949-0076/7747353


Texas Belly Dance Ring
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Vist my online diary about my belly dance adventures

Balady Dance Company

A Middle Eastern Dance Troupe under the direction

of Thea Smeets.  Located in Corpus Christi, Texas.

My daughter and I have been performing members of the troupe

for over 5 years.

Questions? Send an e-mail

Thea Smeets and Lady Valkyrie Myst

Thea's love of the dance and her dedication to her students serves as an inspiration for me.

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