Favorite Links
I have included some of my favorite links for bellydance. These sites have information, costumes, and video clips.
One of Internet's BEST search engines
The Costume Goddess
Great Site for ideas...great costuming books
B D Patterns
Belly Dance Costume Patterns
Excellent Resources for Do it Yourself Costuming and Costuming Repairs
Visionary Dance
Deliah's Website...great clips and videos
The Art of Middle Eastern Dance
The most comprehensive belly dance site on the web
Sugar Petals
Great Costume Necessities
Shimmy by the Sea 2005
Application to attend this year's seminar
Dahal Internationale
Newsletters often contain great costuming information. This link should take you right to the newsletter archive.
Aziza Sa'id's Middle Eastern Dance
Lots of information here
Yasmina's Joy of Belly Dancing
Many video clips to download and look at, however often contains broken links.
Fat Chance Belly Dance
Personal Favorite-Love the Costumes